
放大字体  缩小字体 发布时间:2017-09-08 19:13:29  阅读:3010+ 来源:新浪科技 作者:盖丽丽
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      新浪科技讯 4月28日上午消息,自4月12日英国著名理论物理学家史蒂芬·霍金开通个人微博后,得到了广大网友的积极支持和响应。截至4月28日,微博粉丝数已突破350万人。大家纷纷留言,向他提出许多有趣的问题。






      谢谢你的问题!庄周梦蝶 ——也许是因为他是个热爱自由的人。换做我的话,我也许会梦到宇宙,然后困惑是否宇宙也梦到了我。来回答你的问题:“我们如何知道我们是生活在梦里还是真实存在?” —— well, 我们不知道,也许也无法知道!这个问题至少要等到我们开始深刻地了解意识和宇宙时才可知。我们必须要孜孜不倦地探索关于存在的基本命题,只有这样,我们也许才会知道蝴蝶(或宇宙)是真实存在,还是只存在于我们的梦里。

      - SH

      Thank you for all of your fascinating comments and questions! I appreciate the opportunity to correspond with my friends on Weibo。

      A question from the comments:

      "There is a story about an ancient Chinese philosopher, Zhuangzi. Zhuangzi dreamt of becoming a butterfly. And he wondered if he was a man who dreamt of being a butterfly or a butterfly that dreamt of being a man. Prof. Hawking, how do we know if we are living in our dreams or reality?”

      Thank you for your question! Zhuangzi dreamt of being a butterfly - perhaps because he was a man who loved freedom. I might dream of the universe and then wonder if the universe dreamt of me. To answer your question how do we know if we are living in our dreams or reality - well, we just don't and perhaps can't! At least not until we start to understand more about consciousness and the universe. We must keep striving for an understanding of the fundamental questions of existence. And then perhaps we will know whether the butterfly - and the universe - are real or just in our dreams. -SH
